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Essay cleanliness

Essay cleanliness

Cleanliness Essay,500+ Words Essay on Cleanliness

Web Words Essay On Importance of Cleanliness. Each one of us enjoys living in a clean environment. We all have the ability to maintain cleanliness as it is not a tough task. WebCleanliness is very essential in the view of customers, it's the reason why they patronize one company, business or stores. Westerns and Asians have different perspectives WebCleanliness is the abstract state of being clean and the habit of achieving and maintaining that state. In Hinduism, Cleanliness is an important virtue, and the Bhagavad Gita WebSep 1,  · Reflection essay on cleanliness, Download Views There were so many spot that got particle of dust. For example, we approach there so many unclean part from ... read more

We need to clean ourselves, home, surrounding areas, society, community, city, garden and environment daily. We all should understand the motto, importance and necessity of cleanliness and try to implement it in our daily lives. The hygiene among students in schools is promoted through many activities such as cleaning the school premises, classrooms, laboratories, making posters on cleanliness, waste segregation, essay writing, painting on hygiene, poetry lessons, group discussions, documentary videos, etc. Cleanliness should be taken first and foremost by all. Everyone should understand that cleanliness in the form of food and water is essential. under the careful and regular supervision of parents.

In schools and colleges, students are given a lot of projects and household chores on the subject of different types of cleanliness. This is a very important topic now, because, due to lack of cleanliness, a large population is dying every day. Therefore it is very important to be aware of the importance and necessity of cleanliness in our lives. We all need to take a step towards cleanliness to save thousands of lives and give them a healthy life. As an Indian citizen, all of us should show our active participation in fulfilling the aims and objectives of this campaign. Cleanliness is not a job that we have to do to earn money, rather it is a very good habit that we must do for good health and healthy life.

Cleanliness is one of the biggest virtues that everyone should follow as a big responsibility to raise the standard of living. We should take care of our hygiene, pet hygiene, environmental hygiene, surrounding cleanliness and worksite cleanliness. To maintain the cleanliness of our environment, we should not cut down trees and plant more and more trees. This is not a vigorous action but we should do it in peace. It keeps us mentally, physically, socially and intellectually healthy. A small step of all of us can be converted into a big step.

When a young child can learn to walk, speak and run very successfully, he or she can develop a hygiene habit from childhood when promoted by parents. Parents teach their child to walk by holding the index finger as it is very necessary to live a full life. They should understand that cleanliness is also very important to live a healthy and long life, so they should make a habit of hygiene in their children. This is only a generation of 4 to 5 years old because in modern times our young child has become smart enough to understand everything. Cleanliness is a habit of keeping our house, pets, surroundings, environment, pond, river, schools etc. as well as physically and mentally clean. We should keep ourselves clean and well prepared at all times.

It helps in creating a good personality and impression in society as it reflects a clean character. We must maintain the environment and natural resources water, food, land, etc. with the cleanliness of our body to make the possibility of life on earth everlasting. Usually, we all notice in our homes that our grandmother and mother are very strict about cleanliness before pooja, this is not the second thing and they just try to make cleanliness a habit. But they run the wrong way because they never describe to us the benefits and objectives of cleanliness as to why we have problems in the following cleanliness. Every parent should logically describe and discuss the benefits, purpose, necessity etc.

of hygiene to their children. They have to tell us that cleanliness like food and water is the first and important thing in our life. We should always take care of our personal and surrounding cleanliness to make our future bright and healthy. We should bathe with soap, rub our nails and wear well washed and pressed clothes daily. We should learn from our parents how to keep the house clean and hygienic. We should not make our surroundings dirty because it spreads diseases. Every time we go to eat something we should wash our hands with soap. We should drink safe, clean and well pure water throughout the day, never eat junk food, stale foods or other prepared liquids.

Cleanliness is the task of keeping our body, mind, dress, house, surroundings and another work area clean and hygienic. Cleanliness of the surrounding areas and environment is very essential for social and intellectual health. So, to avoid the spread of infectious diseases, we must ensure proper cleaning of our house and maintain our personal hygiene. Apart from personal cleanliness, we also need to focus on keeping our environment neat and clean. Most people only focus on cleaning their homes, and they throw the garbage and waste just outside their homes or nearby. This creates a dirty and unhygienic place to live. It also leads to many infectious diseases. So, keeping the environment neat and clean is our responsibility.

The environment gives us fresh air to breathe, reduces pollution, and makes us feel refreshed and energetic. So, we must focus on building a healthy environment. We must plant more trees and focus on non-biodegradable waste management. This can be achieved by taking care of small things such as not spitting in the public place, throwing plastic wrappers in the dustbin, using public transport to reduce pollution, adopting a plastic-free lifestyle etc. Cleanliness helps keep oneself and the environment clean. For the last few years, Indian Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi has emphasised keeping the country clean and tidy. The government has launched various campaigns and missions to achieve cleanliness. Thus, it has resulted in a clean and healthy nation for everyone.

Students must have found this Essay on Cleanliness helpful for improving their writing section. Being clean and keeping our surroundings clean helps us reduce the risk of diseases and also the chances of us falling ill. A healthier environment helps in the destruction of germs and bacteria. Your Mobile number and Email id will not be published. Request OTP on Voice Call. Post Comment. CBSE Essays Essay On Cleanliness. Frequently asked Questions on Cleanliness Essay List some positive impacts of cleanliness. Being clean gives a sense of mastery and also creates a cheerful mind.

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Cleanliness is a habit of keeping your body and surrounding clean and free from impurities. By impurities here, we mean dust, dirt, germs, etc that could otherwise be present and harm our health. Cleanliness is something that needs to be practiced regularly as a habit by an individual as well as the community. Cleanliness is a habit that should be naturally followed by individuals and society as well. A clean and healthy society is very essential and important for the environment and progress and growth of the nation. Looking at the poor perception of people towards cleanliness, the government of India introduced a Swachh Bharat Mission or Clean India Campaign on 2nd October The aim of the mission was to encourage people for personal cleanliness as well as for environmental cleanliness.

There were many objectives listed under the scheme that was implemented on a national basis. Crores of toilets were built across the country to discourage people from defecating in the open. Open defecation is a habit, harmful not only to human health but also to the environment. Government agencies and concerned non-government organizations held cleanliness campaigns from time to time to raise awareness and to inspire people to make cleanliness a habit. Usually, such campaigns are voluntary in nature and funded by self-help groups and societies or political organizations. When it comes to initiating a change in the society at the grass-root level; schools play a critical role. Children are the future of a nation and the harbinger of a positive change that we seek.

Children were taught about the benefits of cleanliness and everyday activities like hand washing, brushing teeth, bathing, etc. Cleanliness is a habit and also a collective responsibility. It must be enforced through individual practice and collective efforts. Cleanliness refers to maintaining good standards of personal hygiene levels in our everyday activities. In common reference, cleanliness is nothing but the hygiene levels we maintain. Cleanliness can be grouped broadly into two separate parts — personal cleanliness and environmental cleanliness. Personal cleanliness is the level of neatness we maintain in our own body as well as in our immediate surroundings like a house, room, class, etc. Environmental cleanliness, on the other hand, refers to the levels of cleanliness we maintain towards our environment, that includes water bodies, forests, natural air, etc.

Personal cleanliness is the way we keep our body and personal belongings clean or otherwise. To be clean personally, means to wear clean and tidy clothes, bathe regularly, and adopt good hygiene level, etc. It also means that we keep the room, where we stay, clean and tidy. In truth, personal cleanliness goes beyond the personal perspective and also refers to how we treat the environment in this regard. Even our behavior at the workplace and other places we visit, defines our level of personal cleanliness. Is your workplace where you spend a good amount of time of your day is messy? If it is so, then I am sorry to say, but you need to take some lessons on cleanliness. We must also be aware of the cleanliness standards we maintain in our office and other places.

Like in the house, there should be a dustbin in the office and a cleaning staff. We must also make sure that the compound is clear of garbage and looks neat and tidy. Also, while visiting public places like parks, stations, etc, we must avoid littering at any cost and ensure that the garbage whatsoever is dumped only in the dustbin but not on the ground. Environment cleanliness includes the things we do to keep our environment clean by minimizing our interference. It means to make efforts towards keeping the environment and its elements in their original and pristine form as nature intends. As we have the responsibility of keeping our own bodies clean, so we also do have a responsibility towards keeping the environment clean as well. It is essential to be both, personally clean as well as responsible for the environment.

Cleanliness refers to the habit of keeping self and surrounding free from impurities. It is to be adopted as a habit by individuals and societies and the whole nation as well. Cleanliness, in a broader perspective, refers to a habit of keeping everything clean. It includes your personal grooming habits, the way you maintain your body and keep your clothes to the way you tidy your house and room. Cleanliness also means to keep your room and surrounding areas clean and tidy. It is not only a personal trait but extends much beyond that. Cleanliness has manifold advantages, not only on the person who practices it but also on the environment as well. A person who is always well-groomed and wears neat and tidy clothes is admired by a lot of people.

Such a person is always looked upon with respect and sets an example for others in society to follow. Another advantage of cleanliness is good health. It helps us to stay as far away from germs and diseases as possible. A clean person is free of germs and other impurities those could be harmful to health. Such a person lives longer and happier and has more productive years. Also, a clean and tidy neighborhood has the least possibility of any disease spread. Cleanliness is also good for the environment. A society with a penchant for cleanliness contributes to the health of the environment in an effective way. Garbage pollution is the main reason for environmental degradation. On the other hand, a society with responsible and clean individuals is less polluting and good for overall environmental health.

Have you ever noticed that throwing scrapped notes and other articles on the floor of your room or office make it look untidy? Well, if you use a dustbin to dispose of small garbage, your room will look neat and tidy as usual. Taking bath every day with soap and water will keep your body free of germs and disease. It is advisable to take bath twice in summers and once in winter. We touch hundreds of surfaces everyday and shake hands with a number of people. Our hands are the junction of physical contact and are most susceptible to carry infection. We must wash our hands regularly with soap and water.

Dentists from around the world recommend that teeth be brushed at least twice every day. It is an important personal hygiene habit and impacts our social life as well. Make arrangements in your house for the proper disposal of waste. One important aspect of cleanliness is the way we treat the environment when we move out of our comfort zone. Please avoid littering when you visit a public place or a tourist spot. There is a need to act responsibly and look for a dustbin to dispose of that water bottle of food packet. Plastic is the greatest threat to the environmental cleanliness. Tons of plastic bags and other plastic materials are disposed of carelessly into the environment. Therefore, it would be a step towards environmental cleanliness to stay no to all kinds of plastic products.

Cleanliness is a habit and also a social responsibility. It must only be brought completely with collective efforts. Cleanliness of body and surrounding is important as it keeps us away from becoming sick and makes us healthy and fit. World Toilet Day is observed every year on 19th November. Swachh Bharat is a cleanliness mission that was launched in India on 2nd October The aim of launching Swachh Bharat Mission is to make India Open Defecation Free by the year I am a writer with no particular genre of choice. Though, I like to write on issues that concern the general populace. I also love to know people, communities and cultures from close quarters. I write to satisfy the writer in me and also to keep you updated on several topics.

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Reflection essay on cleanliness,Get professional help and free up your time for more important courses

WebCleanliness is very essential in the view of customers, it's the reason why they patronize one company, business or stores. Westerns and Asians have different perspectives WebSep 1,  · Reflection essay on cleanliness, Download Views There were so many spot that got particle of dust. For example, we approach there so many unclean part from Web Words Essay On Importance of Cleanliness. Each one of us enjoys living in a clean environment. We all have the ability to maintain cleanliness as it is not a tough task. WebCleanliness is the abstract state of being clean and the habit of achieving and maintaining that state. In Hinduism, Cleanliness is an important virtue, and the Bhagavad Gita ... read more

Also, a clean and tidy neighborhood has the least possibility of any disease spread. In this article, we have published an Essay on Cleanliness for students and explained its aspects, rules, importance, impact, effects, and ways to maintain. stopImmediatePropagation ,! Electrostatics Class image credits. It is not a one-day activity; rather must be done daily to keep everything clean. It will not only beautify the surroundings rather also make it more attractive.

left]:[0,0];switch o {case"pointerdown":case"MSPointerDown":case"pointermove":case"MSPointerMove":case"pointerup":case"MSPointerUp":return a? Essay cleanliness need to clean ourselves, home, surrounding areas, society, essay cleanliness, community, city, garden and environment daily. E ssay on sports. When a young child can learn to walk, speak and run very successfully, he or she can develop a hygiene habit from childhood when promoted by parents. It is not a one-day activity; rather must be done daily to keep everything clean.

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