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Fascism essay

Fascism essay

Essays on Fascism,Fascism Dbq

WebFascism is a form of totalitarianism that focuses on 4 major ideas: nationalism, militarism, imperialism, and racism. Many fascist states used propaganda to make children believe WebRelying more on action, fascism represses human rationality and intelectual life in opposed to socialism and liberalism, which considered that the world can be WebFascism is authority for a wing system of a government to control one's country. Fascism has a more simpler word to describe itself which is dictatorship. Dictatorship is a WebMar 16,  · It is usually assumed, for instance, that Fascism is inherently warlike, that it thrives in an atmosphere of war hysteria and can only solve its economic problems by WebThe word fascism came from the Latin word fasces, a group of rods with an axe-head, which was the symbol of power for the authority of Ancient Rome. 1 Merriam-Webster ... read more

Mimo spoke in a hoarse voice, barely audible. After so many painful sacrifices … here we are. Glory to those who have fallen for freedom. He went back inside. The crowd yelled, the partisans raised their guns and fired festive volleys. We kids hurried to pick up the shells, precious items, but I had also learned that freedom of speech means freedom from rhetoric. A few days later I saw the first American soldiers. They were African Americans. His comic books were brightly colored and smelled good. One of the officers Major or Captain Muddy was a guest in the villa of a family whose two daughters were my schoolmates. I met him in their garden where some ladies, surrounding Captain Muddy, talked in tentative French. Captain Muddy knew some French, too. At night I put my wad in a water glass, so it would be fresh for the next day.

In May we heard that the war was over. Peace gave me a curious sensation. I had been told that permanent warfare was the normal condition for a young Italian. In the following months I discovered that the Resistance was not only a local phenomenon but a European one. I learned new, exciting words like réseau , maquis , armée secrète , Rote Kapelle , Warsaw ghetto. I saw the first photographs of the Holocaust, thus understanding the meaning before knowing the word. I realized what we were liberated from. In my country today there are people who are wondering if the Resistance had a real military impact on the course of the war. For my generation this question is irrelevant: we immediately understood the moral and psychological meaning of the Resistance. For us it was a point of pride to know that we Europeans did not wait passively for liberation.

And for the young Americans who were paying with their blood for our restored freedom it meant something to know that behind the firing lines there were Europeans paying their own debt in advance. In my country today there are those who are saying that the myth of the Resistance was a Communist lie. It is true that the Communists exploited the Resistance as if it were their personal property, since they played a prime role in it; but I remember partisans with kerchiefs of different colors. Sticking close to the radio, I spent my nights — the windows closed, the blackout making the small space around the set a lone luminous halo — listening to the messages sent by the Voice of London to the partisans. Franchi became my hero. Who cares?

Sogno still remains the dream hero of my childhood. Liberation was a common deed for people of different colors. In my country today there are some who say that the War of Liberation was a tragic period of division, and that all we need is national reconciliation. The memory of those terrible years should be repressed, refoulée , verdrängt. But Verdrängung causes neurosis. If reconciliation means compassion and respect for all those who fought their own war in good faith, to forgive does not mean to forget. If we still think of the totalitarian governments that ruled Europe before the Second World War we can easily say that it would be difficult for them to reappear in the same form in different historical circumstances.

In the same vein, even though I am much concerned about the various Nazi-like movements that have arisen here and there in Europe, including Russia, I do not think that Nazism, in its original form, is about to reappear as a nationwide movement. Nevertheless, even though political regimes can be overthrown, and ideologies can be criticized and disowned, behind a regime and its ideology there is always a way of thinking and feeling, a group of cultural habits, of obscure instincts and unfathomable drives. Is there still another ghost stalking Europe not to speak of other parts of the world? Thus it is worth asking why not only the Resistance but the Second World War was generally defined throughout the world as a struggle against fascism.

Why was an expression like fascist pig used by American radicals thirty years later to refer to a cop who did not approve of their smoking habits? Mein Kampf is a manifesto of a complete political program. Nazism had a theory of racism and of the Aryan chosen people, a precise notion of degenerate art, entartete Kunst , a philosophy of the will to power and of the Ubermensch. If by totalitarianism one means a regime that subordinates every act of the individual to the state and to its ideology, then both Nazism and Stalinism were true totalitarian regimes. Italian fascism was certainly a dictatorship, but it was not totally totalitarian, not because of its mildness but rather because of the philosophical weakness of its ideology.

Contrary to common opinion, fascism in Italy had no special philosophy. The article on fascism signed by Mussolini in the Treccani Encyclopedia was written or basically inspired by Giovanni Gentile, but it reflected a late-Hegelian notion of the Absolute and Ethical State which was never fully realized by Mussolini. Mussolini did not have any philosophy: he had only rhetoric. He was a militant atheist at the beginning and later signed the Convention with the Church and welcomed the bishops who blessed the Fascist pennants. In his early anticlerical years, according to a likely legend, he once asked God, in order to prove His existence, to strike him down on the spot.

Later, Mussolini always cited the name of God in his speeches, and did not mind being called the Man of Providence. Italian fascism was the first to establish a military liturgy, a folklore, even a way of dressing — far more influential, with its black shirts, than Armani, Benetton, or Versace would ever be. It was only in the Thirties that fascist movements appeared, with Mosley, in Great Britain, and in Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania, Poland, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Greece, Yugoslavia, Spain, Portugal, Norway, and even in South America.

It was Italian fascism that convinced many European liberal leaders that the new regime was carrying out interesting social reform, and that it was providing a mildly revolutionary alternative to the Communist threat. Nevertheless, historical priority does not seem to me a sufficient reason to explain why the word fascism became a synecdoche, that is, a word that could be used for different totalitarian movements. This is not because fascism contained in itself, so to speak in their quintessential state, all the elements of any later form of totalitarianism. On the contrary, fascism had no quintessence. Fascism was a fuzzy totalitarianism, a collage of different philosophical and political ideas, a beehive of contradictions. The Fascist Party was born boasting that it brought a revolutionary new order; but it was financed by the most conservative among the landowners who expected from it a counter-revolution.

At its beginning fascism was republican. Yet it survived for twenty years proclaiming its loyalty to the royal family, while the Duce the unchallenged Maximal Leader was arm-in-arm with the King, to whom he also offered the title of Emperor. There was only a single Nazi architecture and a single Nazi art. If the Nazi architect was Albert Speer, there was no more room for Mies van der Rohe. In Italy there were certainly fascist architects but close to their pseudo-Coliseums were many new buildings inspired by the modern rationalism of Gropius. There was no fascist Zhdanov setting a strictly cultural line. In Italy there were two important art awards. The Premio Cremona was controlled by a fanatical and uncultivated Fascist, Roberto Farinacci, who encouraged art as propaganda.

He was appointed as the bard of the regime because of his nationalism and his cult of heroism — which were in fact abundantly mixed up with influences of French fin de siècle decadence. Take Futurism. One might think it would have been considered an instance of entartete Kunst , along with Expressionism, Cubism, and Surrealism. But the early Italian Futurists were nationalist; they favored Italian participation in the First World War for aesthetic reasons; they celebrated speed, violence, and risk, all of which somehow seemed to connect with the fascist cult of youth. While fascism identified itself with the Roman Empire and rediscovered rural traditions, Marinetti who proclaimed that a car was more beautiful than the Victory of Samothrace , and wanted to kill even the moonlight was nevertheless appointed as a member of the Italian Academy, which treated moonlight with great respect.

These clubs became a sort of intellectual melting pot where new ideas circulated without any real ideological control. It was not that the men of the party were tolerant of radical thinking, but few of them had the intellectual equipment to control it. During those twenty years, the poetry of Montale and other writers associated with the group called the Ermetici was a reaction to the bombastic style of the regime, and these poets were allowed to develop their literary protest from within what was seen as their ivory tower. Both these groups had similariteis as well as differences in which will soon be understood. Fascism was a totalitarian political movement that developed after as a reaction against the political and social changes brought about by World War 1 and the spread of socialism and communism.

It flourished between and in several countries, mainly Germany, Spain, Italy, and Japan. Fascism is a form of totalitarian dictatorship that had ideals such as extreme nationalism, economic self sufficiency and military strength. The dictators abolished all opposition against them and basically took complete control of the lives of everyone in their country. Benito Mussolini outlines several essential characteristics of his preferred political ideology, Fascism, in what has become known as the Doctrine of Fascism. In this paper, Mussolini outlines his vision of the ideology, and explains the major issues that Fascism will address once it becomes the leading political system in Italy.

Because fascism has been practiced in a variety of locations, at differing points in history, with no specific guidelines, every seemingly practical definition of fascism is simply too limiting to serve as a proper definition. Furthermore, to speak of fascism in generalizations prohibits one from truly understanding the completely confused concept. To avoid such generalizations, one must look at fascism as it was found in specific examples. Although these two instances are not all encompassing of the ideology, they exhibit fascism to the greatest proportions.

Additionally, these instances allow one to get a vivid and practical notion to what fascism truly is. Hitler was controlling the government and making people do what he said and wanted. They believed that they were the superior race. Fascism came about in Italy in the years of , but developed in the countries Germany, Spain, and France America a Concise History WW I caused the rise of fascism because Italy was destroyed and took an economic downfall so Mussolini decided to take it upon himself along with Adolf Hitler to get their countries back again. Fascism is a political ideology, in which the country is to be racially and culturally pure. Fascism includes things such as nationalism, hostility to democracy, racism, the love of symbols such as uniforms, parades and army discipline.

It is a totalitarian philosophy which worships the state and nation. Fascism is an extreme right-wing that celebrates the nation or race as a pure community which exceeds all other loyalties and expectations Downing, Most of the time it celebrates masculinity and male supremacy, rarely it will promote female solidarity De Grand, Fascist aims are to prepare for conflict and violence and to prepare and educate the youth. Both were able to gain support from military associations,. Fascism was around approximately forty years.

From , Mussolini was the Fascist leader in Italy and Hitler was the Fascist leader in Germany. Many people thought Fascism could improve their countries because the leaders who stepped up to power, promised great improvements. They also convinced the citizens that they had nothing more to worry about. When Fascist leaders were brought to power, they promised the people their lives would be better and their country would be saved. Fascism was good for people who complied with the rules, but not for those who talked against their leaders. Fascism is a 20th century form of nationalistic, militaristic, totalitarian dictatorship that seeks to create a feasible society through strict regimentation of national and individual lives.

Total subordination to the service of the state and unquestioning loyalty to its leader would adjust conflicting interests. It is a modern political ideology that looks to regenerate the social, economic, and cultural life of a country by basing it on a heightened sense of national belonging of ethnic identity. Fascism rejects liberal ideas of freedom and individual rights, it often presses for the destruction of elections, legislatures and other elements of democracy. Benito Mussolini and his creation of Fascism was the glue that held Italy together. Fascism promised national unity and condemned the Socialist party. To understand how Fascism became powerful within Italy, it is imperative to acknowledge the driving force behind this regime.

To put it bluntly, violence played an essential role in the development of the Fascist party. In , Benito Mussolini give an Afternoon speech, where he stressed the difference between Socialism and Fascism. Fascism is a type of right-wing totalitarianism which places importance on the subordination of individuals to advance the interests of the state. It was a response to the rapid social upheaval, the devastation of World War I, and the Bolshevik Revolution. Fascism is a philosophy or a system of government the advocates or exercises a dictatorship of the extreme right, typically through the merging of state and business leadership, together with an ideology of aggressive nationalism.

Celebrating the nation or the race as an organic community surpassing all other loyalties. This right-wing philosophy will even advocate violent action to maintain this loyalty which is held in such high regards. Fascism approaches politics in two. For example, the term derived from the Roman fasces which were bundles of rods bound to each other, carried in advance of Roman magistrates. The rods were symbolic of power to punish through severe beating and the axes which extended from the center were symbolic of punishment by death Grolier Education p. To prevent even the discussion of Socialism or Communism all democratic liberties are destroyed.

The most influential profit makes form a partnership with the Fascist politicians for the complete control of the state so that the power of police and soldiers may be used to punish all dissenters. Fascism is one type of political system based on the notion that some races are superior to others. Something that seems ridiculous in to enlightened modern day thinkers, which unfortunately makes it all the more difficult to try and understand for someone who has not experienced it. However by looking through history and taking into account some of the results of practised fascism, we can maybe begin to understand why so many people took up, and are still taking up fascism.

Hopefully then we can understand exactly what we should learn from it, and possibly understand how we can prevent it appearing on the scale it did in the Second World War. Fascism was also encourages violence rather than being a coward, a pacifist in the face of war. Thus, recognizing how dangerous can an authoritative ideological governmental system can be without limitations can bring great analysis through the lens of historian to compare ideological system identifying flaws between each. Essay Topics Writing. Home Page Research Essay on Fascism. Essay on Fascism Better Essays.

Open Document. What is Fascism? Fascism is a 20th century form of nationalistic, militaristic, totalitarian dictatorship that seeks to create a feasible society through strict regimentation of national and individual lives. Total subordination to the service of the state and unquestioning loyalty to its leader would adjust conflicting interests. It is a modern political ideology that looks to regenerate the social, economic, and cultural life of a country by basing it on a heightened sense of national belonging of ethnic identity. Fascism rejects liberal ideas of freedom and individual rights, it often presses for the destruction of elections, legislatures and other elements of democracy.

In this way fascism is directly opposed to consevatism. The fascist movements in Italy and Germany also represented attempts to create revolutionary new modern states. Even though fascist movements try to bring about revolutionary change, they emphasis the revival of a mythical ethnic, racial or national past. They revise conventional history to create a vision of an idealised past. The mythical histories claim that former greatness has been destroyed by such developments as the mixing of races, the rise of powerful buisness groups and a loss of a shared sense of the nation.

A fascist movement always asserts that the nation faces a profound crisis. The fascists present the national crisis as resolvable only through a radical political transformation. They claim the nation has entered a dangerous age of mediocrity, weakness and decline. They are convinced that through their timely action they can save the nation from itself. Fascists promise that with their help the national crisis will end and a new age will begin that restores the people to a sense of belonging, purpose and greatness. They believe that the end result of a fascist revolution will be the emergence of a new man and woman. Get Access. Better Essays.

Fascism was a totalitarian political movement that developed after as a reaction against the political and social changes brought about by World War 1 and the spread of socialism and communism. It flourished between and in several countries, mainly Germany, Spain, Italy, and Japan. Fascism is a form of totalitarian dictatorship that had ideals such as extreme nationalism, economic self sufficiency and military strength. The dictators abolished all opposition against them and basically took complete control of the lives of everyone in their country. Benito Mussolini outlines several essential characteristics of his preferred political ideology, Fascism, in what has become known as the Doctrine of Fascism. In this paper, Mussolini outlines his vision of the ideology, and explains the major issues that Fascism will address once it becomes the leading political system in Italy.

Because fascism has been practiced in a variety of locations, at differing points in history, with no specific guidelines, every seemingly practical definition of fascism is simply too limiting to serve as a proper definition. Furthermore, to speak of fascism in generalizations prohibits one from truly understanding the completely confused concept. To avoid such generalizations, one must look at fascism as it was found in specific examples. Although these two instances are not all encompassing of the ideology, they exhibit fascism to the greatest proportions. Additionally, these instances allow one to get a vivid and practical notion to what fascism truly is. There is more to fascism than just German Nazis. This essay will explain what fascism is definition , how fascism groups are run, the ideology of fascism, and some past examples of how fascist governments operated.

Fascism and Nazism were two different political groups taken place in two different locations. Nazism was evolved in Germany which were the people that mainly were against Judaism. As for fascism, it took place in Italy and focused mainly on a system of government that was under a dictator, or a ruler who had absolute power. Both these groups had similariteis as well as differences in which will soon be understood. Fascism is a type of right-wing totalitarianism which places importance on the subordination of individuals to advance the interests of the state. It is important for. Fascism is a political ideology, in which the country is to be racially and culturally pure.

Fascism includes things such as nationalism, hostility to democracy, racism, the love of symbols such as uniforms, parades and army discipline. It is a totalitarian philosophy which worships the state and nation. Fascism is an extreme right-wing that celebrates the nation or race as a pure community which exceeds all other loyalties and expectations Downing, Most of the time it celebrates masculinity and male supremacy, rarely it will promote female solidarity De Grand, Fascist aims are to prepare for conflict and violence and to prepare and educate the youth.

Both were able to gain support from military associations,. Fascism, the more it reflects and observes the future and the development of humanity quite apart from political concerns, it starts to believe that neither in the possibility of peace. War alone brings up to its highest tension all human beings in this world and puts the print of nobility upon the peoples who have valor to meet it. It gives and puts human beings - men into the position where they have to make the greatest decision, of life or death. Halsall, Fascism is the complete opposite of; Marxian Socialism, the materialist conception of human civilization can be explained simply through the conflict of interests among the various social groups and by the change and development.

Fascism is now and will always, be dangerous; that. After World War One, many people yearned to return to normalcy; however, those desires were rendered by the carnage and destruction caused by the war. In the twentieth century, fascism was a response to many complicated social challenges and to the spread of Western liberal democracy. For the growing fascist movements, the period after the First World War was seen as a time to bring change to the nature of society, state, and international policies and laws. After the Second World War, people can argue that fascism has long disappeared.

Fascism began to rise after the fallout of World War I, this new militant political movement attracted many people who had felt angry or frustrated with the war. As you can imagine, during this time millions of people were unhappy with the turnout of World War I, many countries were on the edge of their breaking points. Countries were trying to return to the previous normal they obtained before the world had fallen into a deadly and pointless war. People were full of spitefulness and anger and they wanted answers; henceforth, the popular idea of fascism was created. Fascism was a political movement that promotes an extreme form of nationalism and militarism, the movement also relied heavily on the loyalty to the state and their one strong.

Fascism is a form of counter-revolutionary politics that first arose in the early part of the twentieth-century in Europe. It was a response to the rapid social upheaval, the devastation of World War I, and the Bolshevik Revolution. Fascism is a philosophy or a system of government the advocates or exercises a dictatorship of the extreme right, typically through the merging of state and business leadership, together with an ideology of aggressive nationalism. Celebrating the nation or the race as an organic community surpassing all other loyalties. This right-wing philosophy will even advocate violent action to maintain this loyalty which is held in such high regards. Fascism approaches politics in two. For example, the term derived from the Roman fasces which were bundles of rods bound to each other, carried in advance of Roman magistrates.

The rods were symbolic of power to punish through severe beating and the axes which extended from the center were symbolic of punishment by death Grolier Education p. To prevent even the discussion of Socialism or Communism all democratic liberties are destroyed. The most influential profit makes form a partnership with the Fascist politicians for the complete control of the state so that the power of police and soldiers may be used to punish all dissenters. Fascism is one type of political system based on the notion that some races are superior to others. Something that seems ridiculous in to enlightened modern day thinkers, which unfortunately makes it all the more difficult to try and understand for someone who has not experienced it.

However by looking through history and taking into account some of the results of practised fascism, we can maybe begin to understand why so many people took up, and are still taking up fascism. Hopefully then we can understand exactly what we should learn from it, and possibly understand how we can prevent it appearing on the scale it did in the Second World War. Fascism was also encourages violence rather than being a coward, a pacifist in the face of war. Thus, recognizing how dangerous can an authoritative ideological governmental system can be without limitations can bring great analysis through the lens of historian to compare ideological system identifying flaws between each.

Essay Topics Writing. Home Page Research Essay on Fascism. Essay on Fascism Better Essays. Open Document. What is Fascism? Fascism is a 20th century form of nationalistic, militaristic, totalitarian dictatorship that seeks to create a feasible society through strict regimentation of national and individual lives. Total subordination to the service of the state and unquestioning loyalty to its leader would adjust conflicting interests. It is a modern political ideology that looks to regenerate the social, economic, and cultural life of a country by basing it on a heightened sense of national belonging of ethnic identity.

Fascism rejects liberal ideas of freedom and individual rights, it often presses for the destruction of elections, legislatures and other elements of democracy. In this way fascism is directly opposed to consevatism. The fascist movements in Italy and Germany also represented attempts to create revolutionary new modern states. Even though fascist movements try to bring about revolutionary change, they emphasis the revival of a mythical ethnic, racial or national past. They revise conventional history to create a vision of an idealised past. The mythical histories claim that former greatness has been destroyed by such developments as the mixing of races, the rise of powerful buisness groups and a loss of a shared sense of the nation.

A fascist movement always asserts that the nation faces a profound crisis. The fascists present the national crisis as resolvable only through a radical political transformation. They claim the nation has entered a dangerous age of mediocrity, weakness and decline. They are convinced that through their timely action they can save the nation from itself. Fascists promise that with their help the national crisis will end and a new age will begin that restores the people to a sense of belonging, purpose and greatness. They believe that the end result of a fascist revolution will be the emergence of a new man and woman. Get Access. Better Essays. Essay on Comparison of Mussolini and Hitler Words 18 Pages. Essay on Comparison of Mussolini and Hitler.

Read More. Good Essays. Benito Mussolini's Doctrine of Fascism Essay Words 6 Pages. Benito Mussolini's Doctrine of Fascism Essay. Decent Essays. Fascism Defined in the Context of Mussolini's Italy and Nazi Germany Words 6 Pages. Fascism Defined in the Context of Mussolini's Italy and Nazi Germany. Essay Words 5 Pages. Essay about German Nazism vs. Italian Fascism Words 5 Pages. Italian Fascism. To What Extent Did Nazi Germany Establish a Totalitarian State in the Years and ? Compare And Contrast Mussolini And Hitler Words 6 Pages. Compare And Contrast Mussolini And Hitler. Pros And Cons Of Fascism Words 2 Pages. Pros And Cons Of Fascism.

Fascism In Russia Words 4 Pages. Fascism In Russia. Fascism Dbq Words 4 Pages.

Essay on Fascism,Benito Mussolini Fascism Analysis

WebMar 16,  · It is usually assumed, for instance, that Fascism is inherently warlike, that it thrives in an atmosphere of war hysteria and can only solve its economic problems by WebDec 5,  · The first appeal of a fascist or prematurely fascist movement is an appeal against the intruders. Thus Ur-Fascism is racist by definition. 6. Ur-Fascism derives WebRelying more on action, fascism represses human rationality and intelectual life in opposed to socialism and liberalism, which considered that the world can be WebThe word fascism came from the Latin word fasces, a group of rods with an axe-head, which was the symbol of power for the authority of Ancient Rome. 1 Merriam-Webster WebFascism is authority for a wing system of a government to control one's country. Fascism has a more simpler word to describe itself which is dictatorship. Dictatorship is a WebJun 22,  · If Mussolini’s fascism was based upon the idea of a charismatic ruler, on corporatism, on the utopia of the Imperial Fate of Rome, on an imperialistic will to ... read more

The Doctrine Of Fascism. Better Essays. I saw the first photographs of the Holocaust, thus understanding the meaning before knowing the word. They claim the nation has entered a dangerous age of mediocrity, weakness and decline. But the early Italian Futurists were nationalist; they favored Italian participation in the First World War for aesthetic reasons; they celebrated speed, violence, and risk, all of which somehow seemed to connect with the fascist cult of youth. The same accusation is made from a different angle by the Communist party during its ultra-Left phases. ghetto resident under the regime of Adenoid Hynkel also played by Chaplin.

Fascism is considered to be one of the ideological products of the 20th century and it was established as a political regime by Benito Mussolini, fascism essay, in Italy, after the First World War. Fascism came about in Italy in the years ofbut developed in the countries Germany, Spain, and France America a Concise History It was a moment of joy. The same accusation is made from a different angle by the Communist fascism essay during its ultra-Left phases. Fascism has an anti-character it is defined by what it opposes, fascism essay.

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